Flattened 8-shaped ivory pendant. On the surface we can see "cupulas" made in two rows. It was a part of a necklace.
The pendant was made with a planning knife. There are some traces of treatment in the area of smal "ear". The drilling is one-sided with flaring.
Use-wear traces are not found.
Gerasimov M.M. Mal'ta. Paleoliticheskaya stoyanka (predvaritel'nye dannye): rezul'taty rabot 1928/29 g. – Irkutsk: Vlast' truda, 1931. – S. 15 (Tab. 10)
Abramova Z.A. Paleoliticheskoe iskusstvo na territorii SSSR // SAI, vyp. A 4-3. M,- L.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963 –S. 50 (tab. 55, 9 i 2)