Mal'ta collection includes beads made of large (more than 10 mm diameter) or medium (5-7 mm diametr) fish vertebrae (taimen). It was noticed three versions of bracings the items: without treatment (the use of brain canal), the through-drilling of vertebrae, the drilling of three holes (probably for complex bracing).
Drilling the vertebra across the brain canal was made with a long drill.
Use-wear traces are not found.
370/597 and 370/595 (similar)
Diameter of vetebrae - 11.07 mm
Height - 5.23 mm
Height - 6.51 mm
Diameter - 6.61 mm
Abramova Z.A. Paleoliticheskoe iskusstvo na territorii SSSR // SAI, vyp. A 4-3. M,- L.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963 – S. 51 (tab.51,5)