A blank of a bracelet on a thin blade with two through-holes on the edges. On the outer side of the item, there is a typical Mal'ta ornament forming a row of seventeen "cupulas" along the entire length of the item. The displacement of the "cupulas" forms a wave visually. The distance between "cupulas" is near 1 cm. The item demonstrates the penultimate stage of the manufacturing (not bent).
The surface is trated with a push-plane and polished. The hole is made with double-sided drilling. The item is flared at an angle from the inner and the outer sides.
On the outer side and on the edge of the item, there are cracks indicating that the item was bent while manufacturing and then, overtime, it came back in its natural condition. The edge break also indicates that the item was fastened from both sides (forming the circle or semi-circle).
Length - 36.54 mm
Width - 8.99 mm
Thickness - 5.73 mm
Abramova Z.A. Paleoliticheskoe iskusstvo na territorii SSSR // SAI, vyp. A 4-3. M,- L.: Izd-vo AN SSSR, 1963 –S. 51 (tab. 54) (In Russ.)