Flying bird with shortened proportions

The image of a flying waterfowl is small and has shortened proportions. The body part is half of the figurine. The back is convex, smoothly passing into the neck, the abdomen is flattened. The figure has oval-shaped wings and a cone-shaped head. In the semi-oval shaped tail there is a hole, the end of the tail is broken off along the hole.

Manufacturing technique

A planning knife and a push-plane were used when shaping the item. Double-sided drilling technology has been used while making the legs. Paws are made with a burin. The surface of the item is smoothed.

Use-wear traces

General surface polishing due to a contact with a soft material. The item continued to be used after the loss of a fragment (tail).

Storage location

The State Historical museum of Russia

Inventory number


The Museum KAMIS



Length - 59.7 mm

Width: wings - 13.94 mm, carcass - 10.76 mm, neck - 5.39 mm

Thickness: in the carcass area - 5.17 mm, in the neck area - 4.35 mm

Hole diameter - 2.59 mm




19-23 th. years BP


Mal'ta-Buret' archaeological culture

The author of the excavations

Gerasimov M. M.


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