Ornithomorphic sculpture

The composition includes two traditions of bird imaging: serial images of flying waterfowl, possessing a unity of morphology and style, and individual images of birds.

Images of flying birds, represented by a series of figurines on blade’s blanks, are made in a unified technique and have a fundamental unity of technology and morphology, although there are slight variations in shape (shape of wings or head, size, contour of the tail section). Characteristic features of these birds are: elongated proportions, a straight, thin neck, an elongated head, a three-dimensional body, highlighted legs, a tail end with a hole, or without it, and rather small wings. The collection contains some blanks of figurines and some items of varying degrees of completeness. 

Three objects that have individual specific stylistic, morphological and technological features represent “Individual items”. The basis of such items is a bar blank up to 5–10 cm long.



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