
This is a hollow statuette of an animal whose species is difficult to define. The figurine has a clearly seen head, four legs, a back and a "tummy". On the front legs we can find a special platform due to which the figurine can be put on surface and stand there without support. But if we put the figurine on the front legs, the hind legs will not touch the surface (4-5 mm). On the both sides of the head there are convex parts, which can depict cheeks (but there is no fur drawing) or eyes (but there is no apple of the eye). The lower part of the body is large. On the both sides of the statuette we can see C-shaped ornament. When exploring the item under a microscope, traces of green paint had been found (but it can probably be an optical effet)

Manufacturing technique

The process of hollow shaping inside the figurine cannot be traced, since all traces are covered by a layer of “plasticine” during restoration. General shaping is made with a push-plane. The whole surface is covered with pollishing. Traces of a burin treatment are found on left front foot. A knife was probably used for snaping the legs' volume. Decoration was made with a cutting tool.  

Use-wear traces

There are some traces of pollishing, probably, due to a contact with soft organic material. These traces are found near the convex eyes and on the front legs (apperently, one carried the item in a pocket). 

Storage location

The State Historical museum of Russia

Inventory number


The Museum KAMIS



Length - 12.24 mm

Width: 33.62 mm for the body, 29.32 mm for the shoulders, 19.86 mm for the head




19-23 th. years BP


Mal'ta-Buret' archaeological culture

The author of the excavations

Gerasimov M. M.


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